

Here are ten of the largest conflicts in history, listed in chronological order, along with estimated death rates:

1. Mongol Conquests (1206-1368): The Mongol Conquests, led by Genghis Khan and his successors, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 30-40 million people, both through direct conflict and the spread of disease and famine.

2. Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864): The Taiping Rebellion in China, led by Hong Xiuquan, claimed the lives of an estimated 20-30 million people, including both military personnel and civilians caught in the violence.

3. World War I (1914-1918): Known as the Great War, World War I saw the deaths of approximately 16-20 million people. The conflict involved multiple nations and resulted in widespread casualties due to trench warfare, chemical weapons, and disease.

4. Russian Civil War (1918-1922): The Russian Civil War, following the Russian Revolution, caused the deaths of an estimated 7-12 million people. It involved various factions, including the Red Army, White Army, and independence movements, resulting in widespread violence and famine.

5. World War II (1939-1945): World War II remains one of the deadliest conflicts in history, with an estimated death toll of 70-85 million people. The war involved numerous countries and witnessed large-scale military operations, genocide, and civilian casualties.

6. Chinese Civil War (1927-1949): The Chinese Civil War between the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party led to an estimated death toll of 5-8 million people. The conflict ended with the Communist Party's victory and the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

7. Korean War (1950-1953): The Korean War resulted in an estimated 2.5-4.5 million deaths. The conflict arose when North Korea, supported by China and the Soviet Union, invaded South Korea. The war ended in an armistice but without a formal peace treaty.

8. Vietnam War (1955-1975): The Vietnam War claimed the lives of an estimated 1.5-3.5 million people, including soldiers and civilians. The war involved the communist forces of North Vietnam and the anti-communist forces of South Vietnam, with the United States playing a significant role.

9. Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988): The Iran-Iraq War led to an estimated death toll of 1-1.5 million people. The conflict started when Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded Iran. It lasted for eight years and resulted in significant casualties on both sides.

10. Syrian Civil War (2011-present): The ongoing Syrian Civil War, which began in 2011, has led to a death toll estimated to be over 500,000 people. The conflict involves multiple factions, including the Syrian government, rebel groups, and international intervention.

Please note that the death tolls provided are approximate and can vary depending on different sources and estimations.

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